Tangible economic freedom with the Decentralized Financial Ecosystem.

Hi my name is David Green. I first want to express how happy I am to be your guide in this exciting life changing experience. If your new to Crypto I want to assure you that you are in good hands. Since 1997 I have been building the World Wide Web for fortune 500 companies and friends and family.

Tangible economic freedom with the Decentralized Financial Ecosystem.

Hi my name is David Green. I first want to express how happy I am to be your guide in this exciting life changing experience. If your new to Crypto I want to assure you that you are in good hands. Since 1997 I have been building the World Wide Web for fortune 500 companies and friends and family. My first project was way back in 1998 was to create an internet audio player that played MP3 files for an up and coming artist. After I was hired by various fortune 500 companies I created my own company called Green Giant Graphics.

I am blessed to have a vast career in the field of Information technology. I say this because I believe my past experience has allowed me to take advantage of the greatest economic opportunity of our life time. This opportunity is called Cryptocurrency, I was first introduced via Bitcoin in 2011/12 from Max Keiser and Ethereum in 2015 from Vitalik Buterin. Over the years I made over 1 million dollars and I will teach you how to do the same.

I created this document to introduce my offer to you. I believe Cryptocurrency is the path to financial freedom because it's not just currency. The underlying technology of Fintech combine with Blockchain has broken down the wall of he Haves and the Have Nots. We are presented with an open window of opportunity at this special moment in our time. I offer to guide you so that we can take advantage of the greatest wealth transfer in history.

The power of cryptocurrency and the path to financial freedom is a five part course plus Mastermind network. The first section is called The Fundamentals this covers all you need to know on how to make money in Decentralised Finance. The second section I explain how to setup your wallet and secure your working enviorment. The next section I explain how to leverage CoinMarketCap.com and give my stratagies on how to win in the coming 2024 Crypto Bull market. Next I explain how to identify the next potential alpha token and how I was able to 1000X multiple times. The final section is called The DeFi Jedi Mastermind group this is a private group that you must qualify to be a part of. Once you gain access you get the news letter, access to the paywall, weekly conference calls, ALPHA protocol stratigies and techniques on how to develop your Mastermind.

Introduction:(updated: May 27th 2023)

The Ethereum blockchain was launched in 2015 since than thousands of smart contracts were developed. The decentralized application industry has grown from hope to reality to the solution and now 2023 eight years later I believe this new economy will bring us the financial freedom we all strive to achieve. All I ask is that you take the time needed to learn this technology if you have faith, patience, discipline and a willingness to learn you will succeeded. Thanks you for taking the time to read this and having faith in me to guide you on this new venture because I do this in honor of Amenkara my mentor.

“I owe you love is the way”.


Any views expressed in the below are the personal views of the author and should not form the basis for making investment decisions, nor be construed as a recommendation or advice to engage in investment transactions. This is an educational consultancy on the cryptocurrency market I am not a financial advisor. The client invest into the cryptocurrency market and utilizes at their own risk. This information is for educational purposes.
- David Green | Bit Main Street LLC Educational Consultant and CEO


Cryptocurrency is a currency like gold or fiat because of this you have to follow a few rules and good practices. Always use the security protocols set in place for any applications you utilize. Here are a few suggestions to setup your working environment. Be advised you should use an ether cable not WiFi to interact with the various blockchains you should use a laptop or a desktop when interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges. Never store large amounts of currency on centralized exchanges. Never expose your private keys. Acquire a hard wallet called Trezor or Ledger to store your cryptocurrency.

On boarding how to Step by Step