EARN Passive Income WEB 3.0 Service Provider. How to HOST a BTC lightning node.

EARN Passive Income WEB 3.0 Service Provider. How to HOST a BTC lightning node.

EARN Passive Income WEB 3.0 Service Provider. How to HOST a BTC lightning node.

What is a Web 3.0 Service Provider?

The Problem:

How can like-minded, free individuals create a better world where we have total control over our purchasing power? A world where we can buy and sell ethical products and services that are beneficial for our environment? Today, massive corporate monopolies exploit the masses. We need a grassroots Business-to-Business platform to filter out this exploitation. But how do we build a platform that prevents slave labor-produced products and protects natural resources like the Amazon rainforest and our atmosphere from man-made climate change?

The Solution is You, the Entrepreneur:

Currently, the average consumer is exploited by monopolies, with limited choices in what they can purchase. Back in 2013, I identified that if we had control over our purchasing power, we could dictate what we buy. What controls purchasing power? Money. Fiat currency is a major problem facing humanity, with those who control fiat dictating what consumers can buy and sell. This is why Bitcoin is so important; it allows the average person to control their money. Now, imagine putting that power into the hands of innovators and entrepreneurs who can build parallel industries to replace exploitative products.

In 2015, this problem was addressed with the invention of the smart contract by Charles Hoskinson and Vitalik Buterin. This led to the development of nearly 10,000 cryptocurrencies and tens of thousands of solutions. During the 2020 lockdown, the second wave of crypto emerged: DeFi (Decentralized Finance). Now, any product that monopolies can produce, innovative entrepreneurs can duplicate.

What is a Web 3.0 Service Provider?

If you have a business or want to start a business using Web 3.0 technology, you will need a payment system and security as the foundation to buy and sell your products. You will also need education and support to get up and running quickly. This process is not difficult with proper guidance.

I have developed a Crypto Academy and a proof-of-concept Decentralized Sovereign Network to show you how. I am offering space on the Bit Main Street Marketplace to host your products, and I will set up a payment system via the Bitcoin Lightning Network. This system allows you to use many cryptocurrencies and the technology is open-source. Here, you will get the tools you need to build and sell the fruits of your vision.

The Offer:

To make this opportunity accessible and impactful, I am offering it for only $1500. Space is limited, and you must qualify for this limited-time offer. If you qualify, you will receive a $250 discount if you pay in full, available to the first group of subscribers. For your convenience, a monthly payment option is also available.

What do you receive?

  • Space on the server to host your Web 3.0 business.
  • A Tor website integrated with your current website if needed.
  • Access to services on the DSN, including private chat, exchanges, and IPFS technology.
  • Access to the Crypto Academy, digital downloads, and the Mastermind group.
  • The ability to duplicate what I teach you and become your own Web 3.0 service provider.

Sign up today to be at the front of the line. If selected, you will have the option to pay as little as $125 per month. To get started, visit Bit Main Street website, sign up for the newsletter (step one), and write a description of your business or idea. I will contact you to discuss if you qualify or what you need to do to qualify. Fill out the form by clicking 'subscribe,' tell us about your business, and we will contact you shortly.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

David J. Green