DeFi JeDi Mastermind Group
Welcome to the Defi Jedi Mastermind Group. Who and what are we? We are free thinking human beings using the Power of thought to attract prosperity, abundance and love. - While learning the Power of Cryptocurrency.

Welcome to the Defi Jedi Mastermind Group. Who and what are we? We are free thinking human beings using the Power of thought to attract prosperity, abundance and love. - While learning the Power of Cryptocurrency.
The Group official started June 21st 2023 after I attended the African American Foundation exhibition in Dallas Texas. I planned to hit the ground running after my debute in Dallas with my Crypto Academy but things took a familiar turn. Google analytics had other plans it turns out just mentioning Cryptocurrency in a promo description triggers the financial institutions to censor content. Threats of account suspension and cancelation was a major set back, so I had to relaunch and come up with a new marketing strategy.
With the FTX scandle dominating the headlines and the SEC bulling exposed cryptocurrency companies the opsticles grew, however nothing can stop a focused mind. Moving forward I decided to use another solution. Details of these solutions are discussed in the Mastermind Group. One major solution can be found on Bit Main Street Network I do have to thank Google for the inspiration because with out the set back I would not be using the Ghost platform in this moment in time.
The Defi Jedi Mastermind Group is kind of like the wisdom counsel in the movie the Matrix. I vision a collective of freedom loving sovereign citizens, whom are aware of the chaotic direction humanity is heading and whom have the knowledge to manifest the 1000 years of peace.
- & for the rest of you sign up for Bit Main Street Network
Be advised time and space are limited for the Mastermind Group. Not everyone that signs up will be selected, if your are not selected you will recive a full refund. At the moment I am building websites and BTC wallets for Entrepenures only. You can fill out the form on the BMS Network and I will see if you qualify.