Decentralized Sovereign Network Live
Decentralized Sovereign Network Live presented by Bit Main Street. I am happy to announce we are up and running.

The Vision
Way back in 2013 I had a vision out of the need to solve a problem. How can like mind free human beings create a better world where we have total control of purchase? A place where we can Buy and Sell with one another ethical goods and services? How can I create a business to business platform that filters out exploitation. At the time I was reading about the negative results of GMO and around that time I reading Confessions of an Economic Hit-man by John Perkins, so my mind was in solution mode. The need to create a business to business platform that was far away from the exploitation of slave labor and the destruction of big pharma via Generically Modified Organisms was on my mind. Not only that the destruction of natural resources like the Amazon, poisoning of our Planet and atmosphere, the attack on our heath via Pharma deterioration ingredients like HFCS. It is blatantly obvious humanity is in desperate need for an alternative.
The Solution
After the creation of Bitcoin back in 2009 and the curious marketplace called Silk Road the solution presented it self. Fast forward to 2015 I'm living in Pearland Texas living at a coding boot-camp called <Coder Camps> I liked the program so much I did it twice and within that time frame my team and I develop the Vision I had a few years prior and was born.
Although At the time there was not an option to integrate Blockchain technology into C# using SQL and Ethereum was not yet mainstream. There was no Lightning network, Nodes or even Smart Contacts to utilize. Regardless we did create a functioning prototype, it was a shell of what I wanted but it still manifested into existence. For years I starred at that prototype and my technical sketches waiting to get the time to build. And for years I waited until a solution presented itself. And now I am happy to announce the solution is here.
What is a Community Shopping Network?
It is a place where people can come together join their resources and make change. How? By Buying and Selling Eco Friendly products that are healthy, green and good for humanity and all living lifeforms in our environment. A place where you can sell and trade with like minded people. The Goal is to change the way we consume by only buying products from business that are proven. By only buying food that is healthy for your Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. The Goal is to bring the conscious shopping community back to main street. (In the future I will integrate a Choice Server that filters these types of products.)
The Plan
If you are an Entrepreneur and you have a great idea, then you have arrived home you can sell you product on the Bit Main Street Network. You can partner with a goods and services provider and place your product on the platform. The plan is to reshape the world in our image. Not the image of the present day rulers. Let us create a market where no worker is exploited, where we will only find Fair trade Rain-forest protected goods, Sweatshop-free and Certified No-Child Labor products. Let us sell organic locally or recycled goods that are kind to our Planet. I believe the reason why this was difficult to do in the past was because, in the past we did not have the Power of Cryptocurrency.
"One of the burning questions of our age is how we are going to survive when our natural resources run out?"
When we participate In the Community Shopping Network we will find products that are created with energy that respects our natural resources. Which means that the products are produced using energy that will have no negative impact on nature. The products we support will not pollute the environment. We have the power to create products that respect the Planet and build a Community that our children can inherit.
The burning question of our age needs an answer and it is not coming from the clouds or somewhere in the skies the solution is you.
Much LOve ~Webmaster